Chapter 1 - Key assumptions
Chapter 2 - Energy demand
Chapter 3 - Oil demand
Chapter 4 - Liquids supply
Chapter 5 - Refining outlook
Chapter 6 - Oil movements
Chapter 7 - Energy scenarios
Chapter 8 - Key Challenges and Opportunities
Major data sources
OPEC World Energy: definitions of regions
World Oil Refining Logistics and Demand: regional definitions
About WOO
World Oil Outlook 2045
World Oil Outlook 2045

Chapter 8 - Oil demand and supply uncertainties

Uncertainties on future economic development, energy policies and technology have widened the range of possible oil demand paths

Developments during the past year have made it clear that there are a number of uncertainties related to the main factors affecting future oil demand. In respect to the global economy, the risk for oil demand over the medium-term is skewed to the downside and primarily related to a potentially extended pandemic situation. In the long-term, the risk is rather symmetric with each path deviating from the Reference Case by more than 6 mb/d at the end of the forecast period.

The faster implementation of more stringent policies and penetration of energy efficient technologies could reduce future oil demand by more than 8 mb/d in 2045, compared to the Reference Case. Oil demand in the road transportation sector alone could be reduced by some 3 mb/d in 2045.

Supply modelling suggests an uncertainty range of 10 mb/d in the long-term,heavily skewed to the downside

Lower and Higher Supply Cases indicate a range of 7.5 mb/d in the medium-term, and as much as 10 mb/d in the long-term, heavily skewed to the downside. In the Lower Case, US tight oil declines gradually until a modest rebound is seen in the latter part of the 2020s, although it never again reaches pre-pandemic levels. This opens up a potential downside of nearly 4 mb/d at peak. In other non-OPEC countries, project cancellations, lower investment and to some extent policy measures curb as much as 3 mb/d in the long-term. The Higher Supply Case projects a US tight oil production upside of around 1 mb/d, while output in other non-OPEC countries adds 2.5 mb/d in the long-term.

Source: OPEC


Source: OPEC


Source: OPEC


Source: OPEC


Source: OPEC


Source: OPEC


Source: OPEC


Source: OPEC


Source: OPEC


Source: OPEC


Source: OPEC


Source: OPEC


Table 8.1

OECD and non-OECD oil demand in alternative cases, 2019-2045
  2019  2020  2025  2030  2035 2040  2045
Higher GDP Case 47.7 42.1 46.7 44.6 41.3 37.6 34.3
Reference Case 47.7 42.1 46.3 44 40.8 37.3 34.2
Lower GDP Case 47.7 42.1 45.5 42.9 39.5 35.9 32.7
Higher GDP Case 52.3 48.6 57.9 64 69.5 74.9 80.3
Reference Case 52.3 48.6 57.3 62.6 67.1 70.8 74.1
Lower GDP Case 52.3 48.6 56.3 60.5 63.9 66.7 69.2


Source: OPEC