Direct communications to the OPEC Secretariat
American Petroleum Institute (API)
Arab Oil & Gas
Argus Media
Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
Baker Hughes
BP Statistical Review of World Energy
Brazil: Ministry of Mines and Energy
Brazil: National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels
Business Monitor International
Cambridge Energy Research Associates
Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers
Canada: National Energy Board
Canadian Energy Research Institute
Cedigaz, Natural Gas in the World
Central Bank of Kuwait
Central Bank of the U.A.E.
Centre for Global Energy Studies
China: National Bureau of Statistics
China: National Petroleum Corporation
Central Bank reports
Clarkson Research Studies: The Liquid Gas Carrier Register
De Golyer & MacNaughton: Twentieth Century Petroleum Statistics
Eastern Bloc Research, CIS and East European Energy Databook
Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU): country reports and database
Energy Detente
Energy Information Administration, US Department of Energy
Fearnleys, Annual Review
Financial Times: Oil and Gas International Yearbook
Galbraith’s Weekly Tanker Fixtures Report
Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF)
General Authority for Statistics of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Goldman Sachs
Haver Analytics
IHS Global Insight
IHS Cambridge Energy Research Associates (HIS CERA)
India: Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas
Institute Français du Petrole (IFP): The World Gas Industry
Institute of Energy Economics, Japan (IEEJ)
International Energy Agency (IEA): Energy Prices and Taxes; Energy Statistics and Balances; Monthly Oil/Gas Data Services
IEA Monthly Oil Data Service (MODS)
International Monetary Fund (IMF): International Financial Statistics, World Economic Outlook Database, Direction of Trade Statistics
Japan: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
Joint Organizations Data Initiative
Kuwait Central Statistical Bureau
Middle East Economic Survey
National Energy Administration of the People’s Republic of China (NEA)
National and international oil companies’ reports
National statistical publications
National Westminster Bank
Norway: Ministry of Petroleum and Energy
OECD: Trade by Commodities
OECD/IEA: Energy Balances of non-OECD countries
OECD/IEA: Energy Balances of OECD countries
OECD/IEA: Energy Statistics of non-OECD countries
OECD/IEA: Energy Statistics of OECD countries
OECD/IEA: Quarterly Energy Prices and Taxes
OECD: International Trade by Commodities Statistics
Oil & Gas Journal
Oil and Energy Trends: Annual Statistical Review
Oil Bulletin Petrolier
Oil Movements
Organización Latinoamericana de Energia (OLADE)
Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC)
Petroleum Argus
Petroleum Economist
Petroleum Intelligence Weekly (PIW)
Platts (S&P Global)
Port of Fujairah
Port of Rotterdam
Rystad Energy
Saudi Central Bank
Simpson Spence & Young: World Oil Tanker Trends
Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): Petroleum Resources Management System
S&P Global Commodity Insights
United Nations: Energy Statistics Yearbook; Monthly Bulletin of Statistics
United Nations: National Account Statistics
Wood Mackenzie
World Bank: World Development Indicators
World LPG Gas Association
World Oil
World Petroleum Trends